나라별 극작가 영어로
- Dramatists and playwrights by nationality
- 극작가: dramatist; dramaturgist; dramaturge
- 나라별 sf 작가: Science fiction writers by nationality
- 나라별 음악 작가: Writers about music by nationality
- 나라별 일기 작가: Diarists by nationality
- 나라별 작가: Writers by nationality
- 나라별 전기 작가: Biographers by nationality
- 나라별 정치 작가: Political writers by nationality
- 나라별 논픽션 작가: Non-fiction writers by nationality
- 나라별 자서전 작가: Autobiographers by nationality
- 나라별 작가별 작품: Works by writer nationality
- 나라별 판타지 작가: Fantasy writers by nationality
- 나라별 회고록 작가: Memoirists by nationality
- 가부키 극작가: Kabuki playwrights
- 극작가의: dramaturgic
- 독일의 극작가: German dramatists and playwrights